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All States

Investing In India

Incredible India is celebrated for her diversity, With 22 official languages, innumerable cuisines and varied ethnicities, it is united through a federal structure of governance, declaring India a "Union of States." Each state is governed by a council of ministers, headed by the Chief Minister. Investments into each state are governed and managed by the respective state appointed body or department.

On IIG, 28 States and 8 union territories host investment opportunities across a plethora of projects and stressed assets. Come explore opportunities, catch up on updates and discover insights.


  • Opportunities
  • Worth
    USD 2,309.94 bn
  • Promoters

All States

60 | Promoters
111 | Opportunities
USD 42.18 bn | Worth
338 | Promoters
1003 | Opportunities
USD 214.16 bn | Worth
43 | Promoters
230 | Opportunities
USD 87.28 bn | Worth
86 | Promoters
405 | Opportunities
USD 82.21 bn | Worth
168 | Promoters
577 | Opportunities
USD 132.54 bn | Worth
17 | Promoters
112 | Opportunities
USD 16.08 bn | Worth
93 | Promoters
309 | Opportunities
USD 108.17 bn | Worth
15 | Promoters
34 | Opportunities
USD 54.31 bn | Worth
74 | Promoters
1043 | Opportunities
USD 70.23 bn | Worth
45 | Promoters
143 | Opportunities
USD 46.67 bn | Worth
166 | Promoters
1040 | Opportunities
USD 190.07 bn | Worth
84 | Promoters
392 | Opportunities
USD 100.63 bn | Worth
68 | Promoters
240 | Opportunities
USD 62.16 bn | Worth
54 | Promoters
162 | Opportunities
USD 66.29 bn | Worth
130 | Promoters
491 | Opportunities
USD 138.49 bn | Worth
151 | Promoters
884 | Opportunities
USD 143.27 bn | Worth
83 | Promoters
349 | Opportunities
USD 93.3 bn | Worth
12 | Promoters
24 | Opportunities
USD 39.76 bn | Worth
12 | Promoters
13 | Opportunities
USD 39.34 bn | Worth
176 | Promoters
1317 | Opportunities
USD 171.75 bn | Worth
244 | Promoters
2152 | Opportunities
USD 286.54 bn | Worth
33 | Promoters
136 | Opportunities
USD 48.57 bn | Worth
37 | Promoters
127 | Opportunities
USD 47.52 bn | Worth
42 | Promoters
220 | Opportunities
USD 52.54 bn | Worth
32 | Promoters
177 | Opportunities
USD 48.07 bn | Worth
189 | Promoters
600 | Opportunities
USD 180.19 bn | Worth
24 | Promoters
48 | Opportunities
USD 41.06 bn | Worth
86 | Promoters
386 | Opportunities
USD 103.52 bn | Worth
327 | Promoters
933 | Opportunities
USD 152.23 bn | Worth
96 | Promoters
185 | Opportunities
USD 54.62 bn | Worth
171 | Promoters
1025 | Opportunities
USD 202.99 bn | Worth
74 | Promoters
633 | Opportunities
USD 119.75 bn | Worth
40 | Promoters
125 | Opportunities
USD 44.6 bn | Worth
283 | Promoters
1189 | Opportunities
USD 240.35 bn | Worth
61 | Promoters
386 | Opportunities
USD 69.36 bn | Worth
170 | Promoters
1187 | Opportunities
USD 168.04 bn | Worth