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About Karnataka

Karnataka Ranks #3 in total FDI inflows in India. It has maintained a consistent and healthy growth rate at 7.5% and is recognized as the R&D Hub of India hosting 3500 companies including 400 MNCs. It also contributes 65% of aerospace exports in India. Karnataka is currently in the process of developing a number of Greenfield ports and Airstrips that present a unique opportunity for investors.


  • 835 Opportunities
  • USD 128.67 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 497 EPC
  • 102 PPP
  • 73 To Be Finalized
  • 21 Pure Private
  • 9 Others
  • 6 Not Disclosed
Karnataka | Requirement


Roads & Highways

203 Opportunities

worth USD 15.07 bn

Roads & Highways

Real Estate

80 Opportunities

worth USD 7.76 bn

Urban area population will increase from 460 to 600 million between 2018-31

Water Resources

71 Opportunities

worth USD 25.57 bn

Water Resources

Inland Waterways

66 Opportunities

worth USD 1.02 bn

Inland Waterways

Top Promoters

Latest Updates
  • Opportunities in 13 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 16 states added
  • Opportunities in 3 Schemes added
  • 57 new opportunities added
  • Opportunities in 12 sectors updated
  • Opportunities in 15 states updated
  • Opportunities in 5 Schemes updated
  • 57 opportunities updated
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors updated
  • 447 new promoters added
    14 October
  • Karnataka PPP Policy for Infrastructure Projects -2018

    To establish a PPP framework for infrastructure development

  • Karnataka SEZ Policy 2009

    The Policy provides various incentives to facilitate and expedite establishment of SEZs.

  • Karnataka Electric Vehicle & Energy Storage Policy 2017

    To make Karnataka a preferred destination for manufacturing of electric vehicles (EVs).

  • Karnataka NRI Policy 2016

    To comprehensively look into aspirations, requirements and expectations of the Indian/Kannadigas diaspora, their role in the economic, social and technological development of Karnataka

  • Karnataka Retail Trade Policy 2015

    To boost Karnataka?s position in the retail trade and to accelerate investment flow.

  • Karnataka Animations, Visual effects, Gaming & Comic Policy 2017-22

    To develop Karnataka into a leading global AVCG hub.

  • Karnataka Semiconductor Policy 2010

    To retain Karnataka's edge in semiconductor design by attracting fresh investments and expansion by existing companies

  • Karnataka New Textile Policy 2013-18

    To achieve higher and sustainable growth in the entire textile value chain.

  • Karnataka Agribusiness & Food Processing Policy 2015

    To make Karnataka a leading investment destination for the agribusiness and food processing.

  • Karnataka Electronics Hardware Policy

    To facilitate, promote and develop Karnataka's Electronics Hardware Manufacturing Sector

  • Karnataka Minor Port Development Policy 2014

    To cater to the needs of increasing traffic of Karnataka and its neighboring states.

  • Karnataka Aerospace Policy 2013-23

    To position Karnataka as a vibrant aerospace hub of Asia and a globally recognized aerospace destination.

  • Karnataka Biotech Policy 2017-22

    To provide direction and support the sustainable development of a thriving and world-class biotech ecosystem in Karnataka

  • Karnataka Mineral Policy 2008

    To optimize Karnataks's geological potential by scientific and detailed prospecting.

  • Karnataka Tourism Policy 2015-20

    To develop Karnataka as a safe, sustainable and most-favoured tourism destination.

  • Karnataka Industrial Policy 2014-19

    To make Karnataka a preferred destination for industrial investment with special focus on manufacturing sector.

  • Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-20

    To create a world-class startup ecosystem through strategic investment and policy interventions.

  • Karnataka ICT Policy 2011

    To position Karnataka to be the IT R&D and product hub of India.

  • Karnataka Solar Policy 2014-21

    To add solar generation of minimum 2000 MW by 2021 and to encourage PPP.

  • Karnataka Grape Processing & Wine Policy 2007

    To develop wine production and marketing and also to provide suitable incentives.