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About Karnataka

Karnataka Ranks #3 in total FDI inflows in India. It has maintained a consistent and healthy growth rate at 7.5% and is recognized as the R&D Hub of India hosting 3500 companies including 400 MNCs. It also contributes 65% of aerospace exports in India. Karnataka is currently in the process of developing a number of Greenfield ports and Airstrips that present a unique opportunity for investors.


  • 768 Opportunities
  • USD 131.82 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 432 EPC
  • 102 PPP
  • 71 To Be Finalized
  • 21 Pure Private
  • 9 Others
  • 6 Not Disclosed
Karnataka | Requirement


Roads & Highways

205 Opportunities

worth USD 16.28 bn

Roads & Highways

Water Resources

71 Opportunities

worth USD 25.57 bn

Water Resources

Real Estate

66 Opportunities

worth USD 7.72 bn

Urban area population will increase from 460 to 600 million between 2018-31

Waste & Water

56 Opportunities

worth USD 1.35 bn

Waste & Water

Top Promoters

Latest Updates
  • Opportunities in 13 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 16 states added
  • Opportunities in 3 Schemes added
  • 57 new opportunities added
  • Opportunities in 12 sectors updated
  • Opportunities in 15 states updated
  • Opportunities in 5 Schemes updated
  • 57 opportunities updated
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors updated
  • 447 new promoters added
    14 October
  • Karnataka PPP Policy for Infrastructure Projects -2018

    To establish a PPP framework for infrastructure development

  • Karnataka SEZ Policy 2009

    The Policy provides various incentives to facilitate and expedite establishment of SEZs.

  • Karnataka Electric Vehicle & Energy Storage Policy 2017

    To make Karnataka a preferred destination for manufacturing of electric vehicles (EVs).

  • Karnataka NRI Policy 2016

    To comprehensively look into aspirations, requirements and expectations of the Indian/Kannadigas diaspora, their role in the economic, social and technological development of Karnataka

  • Karnataka Retail Trade Policy 2015

    To boost Karnataka?s position in the retail trade and to accelerate investment flow.

  • Karnataka Animations, Visual effects, Gaming & Comic Policy 2017-22

    To develop Karnataka into a leading global AVCG hub.

  • Karnataka Semiconductor Policy 2010

    To retain Karnataka's edge in semiconductor design by attracting fresh investments and expansion by existing companies

  • Karnataka New Textile Policy 2013-18

    To achieve higher and sustainable growth in the entire textile value chain.

  • Karnataka Agribusiness & Food Processing Policy 2015

    To make Karnataka a leading investment destination for the agribusiness and food processing.

  • Karnataka Electronics Hardware Policy

    To facilitate, promote and develop Karnataka's Electronics Hardware Manufacturing Sector

  • Karnataka Minor Port Development Policy 2014

    To cater to the needs of increasing traffic of Karnataka and its neighboring states.

  • Karnataka Aerospace Policy 2013-23

    To position Karnataka as a vibrant aerospace hub of Asia and a globally recognized aerospace destination.

  • Karnataka Biotech Policy 2017-22

    To provide direction and support the sustainable development of a thriving and world-class biotech ecosystem in Karnataka

  • Karnataka Mineral Policy 2008

    To optimize Karnataks's geological potential by scientific and detailed prospecting.

  • Karnataka Tourism Policy 2015-20

    To develop Karnataka as a safe, sustainable and most-favoured tourism destination.

  • Karnataka Industrial Policy 2014-19

    To make Karnataka a preferred destination for industrial investment with special focus on manufacturing sector.

  • Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-20

    To create a world-class startup ecosystem through strategic investment and policy interventions.

  • Karnataka ICT Policy 2011

    To position Karnataka to be the IT R&D and product hub of India.

  • Karnataka Solar Policy 2014-21

    To add solar generation of minimum 2000 MW by 2021 and to encourage PPP.

  • Karnataka Grape Processing & Wine Policy 2007

    To develop wine production and marketing and also to provide suitable incentives.