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About Tripura

Tripura is primarily known for its agri-products such as bamboo, coffee, pineapple, cashew nut and tea. The state is also the largest producer of jackfruit and true potato seed (TPS) and the second-largest producer of rubber in India. Rubber and tea-based industries form the prime share of the industrial base in the state, while cement and steel-based industries have recently witnessed developments. The state has established rubber and food parks to support existing and potential investors. Moreover, Tripura also has five industrial estates, a growth centre and an export promotion industrial park. The currently functional Tripura Power Project is also India’s biggest Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project, which is registered with the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC).The infrastructure of the state provides smooth connectivity with rest of the country through a domestic airport in Agartala, and a vast road and rail network.


  • 147 Opportunities
  • USD 40.49 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 113 EPC
  • 15 PPP
  • 7 Not Disclosed
  • 5 To Be Finalized
  • 3 Pure Private
Tripura | Requirement


Roads & Highways

29 Opportunities

worth USD 1.14 bn

Roads & Highways


19 Opportunities

worth USD 20.1 mn


Inland Waterways

13 Opportunities

worth USD 16.2 mn

Inland Waterways

Food Processing & Agriculture

12 Opportunities

worth USD 246.39 mn

Agriculture plays a vital role in India’s economy as 56% of the total workforce is engaged in agriculture and allied activities

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  • Opportunities in 12 sectors updated
  • Opportunities in 15 states updated
  • Opportunities in 5 Schemes updated
  • 57 opportunities updated
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors updated
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    14 October
  • Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentives Scheme, 2017

    The State Government offers incentives for setting up of industrial units in manufacturing sector as well as service sector under Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentive Scheme, 2017

  • Tripura IT/ITeS Policy & Roadmap, 2017 and Tripura IT Incentive Scheme, 2017

    Development of infrastructure and human capital for one-stop-service delivery in a simplified and convenient manner for the bene?t of citizen and catalyzing IT based employment generation by positive interventions.

  • North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme

    To promote development of North East Region by providing financial assistance for projects.

  • Non - Lapsable Central Pool of Resources Scheme 2016

    To develop infrastructure in North East Region

  • North East Industrial Development Scheme 2017

    To boost industrialization in the North-Eastern Region of India.

  • Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Policy 2007

    To convert Tripura into the preferred destination for industrial and trade activities.