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About Jharkhand

Jharkhand is one of the richest mineral zones in the world. It is the only state in India to produce coking coal, uranium & pyrite. The state provides investment opportunities in sectors such as mining and metals, power, infrastructure, manufacturing and food processing. The state’s industries enjoy a unique location-specific advantage as it is close to the vast market of eastern India.


  • 647 Opportunities
  • USD 128.64 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 499 EPC
  • 39 PPP
  • 36 To Be Finalized
  • 19 Not Disclosed
  • 18 Pure Private
  • 14 Others
Jharkhand | Requirement


Waste & Water

165 Opportunities

worth USD 1.33 bn

Waste & Water

Roads & Highways

122 Opportunities

worth USD 7.95 bn

Roads & Highways


67 Opportunities

worth USD 1.92 bn



45 Opportunities

worth USD 27.82 bn


Top Promoters

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  • Opportunities in 13 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 16 states added
  • Opportunities in 3 Schemes added
  • 57 new opportunities added
  • Opportunities in 12 sectors updated
  • Opportunities in 15 states updated
  • Opportunities in 5 Schemes updated
  • 57 opportunities updated
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors updated
  • 447 new promoters added
    14 October
  • Jharkhand Special Economic Zone Policy

    To establish SEZs, Single Window Clearance systems and conducive business environments.

  • Jharkhand Industrial & Investment Promotion Policy 2016

    To maximize value addition to Jharkhand?s natural resources by setting up industries across the state.

  • Jharkhand Tourism Policy 2015

    To promote tourism in such a manner that it contributes to mass generation of employment.

  • Jharkhand Food Processing Industry Policy 2015

    Aimed at creating favorable atmosphere for setting up of food processing units.

  • Jharkhand Textile, Apparel & Footwear Policy 2016

    To modernize textile manufacturing and improve productivity to ensure quality fabric at affordable prices.

  • Jharkhand Export Policy 2015

    To provide a simple, proactive, responsive and supportive institutional mechanism for rapid growth of exports.

  • Jharkhand Startup Policy 2016

    To create a conducive and enabling ecosystem to facilitate growth and scaling of startups.

  • Jharkhand Feed Processing Industry Policy 2015

    To create favorable atmosphere for setting up of animal feed processing units in Jharkhand.

  • Jharkhand Solar Power Policy 2015

    To encourage participation of private sector to set up solar power base projects in Jharkhand.

  • Jharkhand Film Policy 2015

    Aimed at converting Jharkhand into a centre of film making.

  • Jharkhand Procurement Policy 2014

    To facilitate purchases from MSEs by Government departments and institutions including aided agencies.

  • Jharkhand ESDM Policy 2016

    To promote the manufacturing of ESDM products for employment generation in Jharkhand.

  • Jharkhand IT/ITeS Policy 2016

    Aimed at making Jharkhand a globally competitive IT & ITeS destination.

  • Jharkhand BPO/BPM Policy 2016

    To make Jharkhand a preferable BPO/BPM destination through creation of business friendly environment.

  • Jharkhand Industrial Park Policy 2015

    Aimed at setting up of private, joint venture and PPP mode industrial parks.

  • Jharkhand Automobile & Auto Component Policy 2016

    To create favorable atmosphere for setting-up of automobile and auto-component manufacturing units.