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Arunachal Pradesh

About Arunachal Pradesh

With an area of about 8.4 Mn ha, Arunachal Pradesh is the largest among the 7 North-Eastern states of India and shares its international border with Bhutan, China and Myanmar. The geographic location of the state provides immense opportunities for international trade with South Asian countries. Major industries of the state include agriculture, art and crafts, weaving, cane and bamboo, horticulture, power and mineral-based industry. The state has one of the highest potentials for generating hydro-power in India. It is divided into five river valleys having immense hydropower potential, currently estimated at 50,328 MW, or approximately 22 per cent of India's current power generating capacity. The state is endowed with an evergreen forest cover of over 82%. Rich flora and fauna of the state are characterized by 601 species of orchids and over 500 species of medicinal plants.


Arunachal Pradesh
  • 250 Opportunities
  • USD 76.23 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 162 EPC
  • 60 To Be Finalized
  • 18 PPP
  • 10 Pure Private
Arunachal Pradesh | Requirement


Roads & Highways

66 Opportunities

worth USD 2.46 bn

Roads & Highways

Tourism, Hospitality & Wellness

58 Opportunities

worth USD 363.95 mn

Tourism, Hospitality & Wellness

Inland Waterways

27 Opportunities

worth USD 194.97 mn

Inland Waterways

Electricity Generation

24 Opportunities

worth USD 31.79 bn

Electricity Generation

No records found.

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    14 October
  • North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme

    To promote development of North East Region by providing financial assistance for projects.

  • Non - Lapsable Central Pool of Resources Scheme 2016

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  • North East Industrial Development Scheme 2017

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  • Arunachal Pradesh Industrial Policy 2008

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