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Uttar Pradesh

About Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state of India with an estimated population of around 200 million. In terms of Net State Domestic Product (NSDP), it is the second largest economy after Maharashtra. Uttar Pradesh accounts for 19% of the country's total food grain output. The State's focus sectors include infrastructure, agro & food processing, energy, IT & ESDM, defence and textiles. Recently, two defence corridors have been announced by the Indian government, one of which passes through the state.


Uttar Pradesh
  • 1268 Opportunities
  • USD 209.8 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 963 EPC
  • 163 PPP
  • 48 To Be Finalized
  • 21 Pure Private
  • 11 Others
  • 1 Not Disclosed
Uttar Pradesh | Requirement


Roads & Highways

305 Opportunities

worth USD 40.41 bn

Roads & Highways


158 Opportunities

worth USD 3.87 bn


Waste & Water

121 Opportunities

worth USD 4.97 bn

Waste & Water


111 Opportunities

worth USD 53.02 bn


Top Promoters

Latest Updates
  • Opportunities in 13 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 16 states added
  • Opportunities in 3 Schemes added
  • 57 new opportunities added
  • Opportunities in 12 sectors updated
  • Opportunities in 15 states updated
  • Opportunities in 5 Schemes updated
  • 57 opportunities updated
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors updated
  • 447 new promoters added
    14 October
  • UP Handloom, Power-loom, Silk,Textile and Garmenting Policy 2017

    To attract investment in the textile sector.

  • UP Pharmaceutical Industry Policy 2018

    To expedite industrialisation in the State and boost investments

  • UP Civil Aviation Promotion Policy 2017

    To provide adequate incentives for the development of robust civil aviation infrastructure.

  • UP Electric Vehicle Manufacturing and Mobility Policy 2019

    To establish Uttar Pradesh as the preferred destination for attracting investments in manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (EV).

  • UP Tourism Policy 2018

    To achieve growth of Brand Uttar Pradesh, and establish partnerships between public and private sectors.

  • UP Biotech Policy 2014

    To develop knowledge based economy in biotechnology and promote its usage.

  • UP Special Economic Zone Policy

    To establish SEZs resulting in setting up of world class infrastructure, and leading industrial and economic development.

  • UP Sugar Industry, Cogeneration & Distillery Promotion Policy 2017

    Aims at establishing new sugar mills and setting up of co-generation plants and distilleries.

  • UP Film Policy 2018 (Hindi)

    To promote tourism and employment in the state through filmmaking

  • UP Solar Energy Policy 2017

    To encourage participation of private sector and provide investment opportunities to set up solar power projects.

  • UP Warehousing and Logistics Policy 2018

    To strengthen the logistics sector, promote investments and employment

  • UP IT & Startup Policy 2017-22

    To create a conducive environment for the growth of investors, entrepreneurs and start-ups.

  • UP Defence & Aerospace Manufacturing & Employment Promotion Policy 2018

    To promote defence and aviation manufacturing, and build a compatible eco-system for investors

  • UP Industrial Investment & Employment Promotion Policy 2017

    To leverage the inherent strengths of the state while developing new ones.

  • UP Dairy Policy-2018 (Hindi)

    To boost production of processed milk and milk products, and promote private investments

  • UP Food Processing Industrial Policy 2017

    To promote setting up of food processing industries while ensuring remunerative price of the produce.

  • UP Bio Energy Policy 2018

    To define the Bio - Energy Enterprises promotion program.

  • UP Electronics Manufacturing Policy 2017

    To provide Single window assistance for successful establishment of ESDM units in the state.