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About Nagaland

Nagaland shares its international border with Myanmar in the east and is landlocked by Indian states on the other sides. The state is well connected with rest of the nation through road network of around 1,150 km and an airport in Dimapur. The state has considerable resources of natural minerals, petroleum and hydropower. It has unexploited reserves of around 600 million metric tonnes (MT) of Crude Oil. Moreover, it has 315 MT of coal reserves and 1,038 MT of limestone reserves. The state is also predominantly an agrarian economy with 71% of its population dependent on agriculture. Major horticulture crops grown in the state include banana, citrus, pineapple and potato. It also has 650 indigenous species of medicinal and aromatic plants. Among all the natural resources, forest resources such as medicinal plants and timber contribute the maximum share to the state’s economy.


  • 126 Opportunities
  • USD 43.36 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 93 EPC
  • 24 To Be Finalized
  • 6 PPP
  • 2 Not Disclosed
  • 1 Pure Private
Nagaland | Requirement


Roads & Highways

60 Opportunities

worth USD 3.36 bn

Roads & Highways

Tourism, Hospitality & Wellness

15 Opportunities

worth USD 310.05 mn

Tourism, Hospitality & Wellness

Transmission & Distribution

7 Opportunities

worth USD 8.6 bn

Transmission & Distribution

Inland Waterways

6 Opportunities

worth USD 13.73 mn

Inland Waterways

No records found.

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  • Opportunities in 16 states added
  • Opportunities in 3 Schemes added
  • 57 new opportunities added
  • Opportunities in 12 sectors updated
  • Opportunities in 15 states updated
  • Opportunities in 5 Schemes updated
  • 57 opportunities updated
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors updated
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    14 October
  • North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme

    To promote development of North East Region by providing financial assistance for projects.

  • Nagaland Bamboo Policy 2004

    To promote bamboo plantation and bamboo-based industries for generating employment.

  • Nagaland Water Policy 2016

    To ensure conservation, protection, safeguard restoration and rejuvenation of water resources in the state of Nagaland to optimize their utilization

  • Non - Lapsable Central Pool of Resources Scheme 2016

    To develop infrastructure in North East Region

  • North East Industrial Development Scheme 2017

    To boost industrialization in the North-Eastern Region of India.

  • Nagaland Tourism Policy 2001

    To create and provide necessary infrastructure facilities for development of tourism in the state.

  • Nagaland IT Policy 2004

    Aims at attracting investments to provide jobs to Nagaland's sizeable English speaking populace.

  • Nagaland Industrial Policy 2000

    To create conducive investment environment for rapid industrial development.

  • Nagaland Forest & Environment Policy 2015

    Aims at maintaining environmental stability through the preservation of forest resources of Nagaland.