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Invest in Food Processing & Agriculture

About Food Processing & Agriculture Sector

Harvesting Growth: Exploring Investment Avenues in India's Food Processing & Agriculture Sector.
Embark on a journey into the thriving landscape of food processing & agriculture investment in India, a nation that stands as the world's largest producer of milk, spices, and pulses.
Nurturing robust growth, India's food processing sector boasts an impressive AAGR of approximately 8.41%. Forecasts predict an output soaring to USD 535 billion by 2025-26. Championing modern agricultural infrastructure and efficient supply chain management, the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) paves the way.
Under the PMKSY's umbrella, a myriad of initiatives including 41 Mega Food Parks, 348 Cold Chain projects, 68 Agro-Processing Clusters, 61 Backward and Forward Linkages Projects, and 6 Operation Green projects have been greenlit. The Government's unwavering commitment shines through the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, allocating USD 556.2 million to the PMKSY scheme until March 2026.
Explore investment opportunities in Food Processing & Agriculture projects in India and cultivate a prosperous tomorrow.

Food Processing & Agriculture Snapshot

  • 400 Opportunities
  • USD 14.33 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 31 PPP
  • 21 EPC
  • 16 To Be Finalized
  • 11 Not Disclosed
  • 0 Pure Private
Top performing states
Food Processing & Agriculture | Requirement

Sub-Sectors in Food Processing & Agriculture

Food Processing & Additives

227 Opportunities

USD 395.65 mn worth

Vision of creation of mega food parks, integrated cold chain infrastructure and expansion of food processing capacity


122 Opportunities

USD 78.79 mn worth

India is the world's largest producer of Milk

Post Harvest Storage Infrastructure

16 Opportunities

USD 10.49 bn worth

Gramin Agricultural Market (GrAM) scheme is proposed to improve the infrastructure and civic facilities in gramin haats

Terminal Markets

10 Opportunities

USD 2.3 bn worth

Terminal Markets Complex (TMC) scheme has been conceptualized and introduced as a new model under National Horticulture Mission in 2011

Top Promoters

Latest Updates
  • Opportunities in 13 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 16 states added
  • Opportunities in 3 Schemes added
  • 57 new opportunities added
  • Opportunities in 12 sectors updated
  • Opportunities in 15 states updated
  • Opportunities in 5 Schemes updated
  • 57 opportunities updated
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors updated
  • 447 new promoters added
    14 October
  • Creation of Infrastructure for Agro Processing Clusters

    To provide integrated and complete preservation infrastructure facilities from the farm gate to the consumer.


    The Government of India encourages farmers in taking up projects in select areas by subsidizing a portion of the total project cost. All these projects aim at enhancing capital investment, sustained income flow and employment areas of national importance.

  • Creation / Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities (CEFPPC)

    Creation of processing and preservation capacities and modernization /expansion of existing food processing units which will help in increasing the level of processing, value addition and thereby lead to the reduction of wastage and enhancement of farmers? income.

  • Scheme for Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure under PMKSY

    The scheme envisages financial assistance to food processing units in the form of grant-in-aid.

  • Agriculture Export Policy

    To promote exports, increase investments and provide an institutional mechanism for agriculture sector

  • Highlight of Budget 2018-19 in respect of Food Processing sector

    Budget 2018-19 provides various incentives and provisions for the growth of the sector.

  • Mega Food Park Scheme

    The primary objective of the Mega Food Park Scheme (MFPS) is to provide modern infrastructure facilities for the food processing along the value chain from the farm to the market.

  • Dairy Processing & Infrastructure Development Fund

    The project will focus on building an efficient milk procurement system by setting up of chilling infrastructure & installation of electronic milk adulteration testing equipment, creation of processing infrastructure and manufacturing faculties for Value Added Products for the Milk Unions.

  • List of designated Food Parks

    Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) has notified the consolidated list of 226 Designated Food Parks as on 14.11.2018 for the purpose of making available affordable credit to agro-processing units in the designated food parks from the Food Processing Fund 2015-16 established by RBI in NABARD.

  • Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY)

    SAMPADA is a comprehensive package which will result in creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management from farm gate to retail outlet.

  • Operation Greens

    To strengthen Tomato, Onion, and Potato (TOP) production clusters, increase food processing capabilities and create a market intelligence network.

  • Scheme for creation of backward and forward linkages under PMKSY

    MoFPI has invited proposals / Expression of Interest (EoI) from potential promoters for setting up Backward & Forward Linkages in the processed food industry of the country.

  • Nivesh Badhu

    To improve ease of doing business and boost investors? confidence, a dedicated investors? portal "Nivesh Bandhu" has been set up by MoFPI aimed at easing the process for investors.