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Invest in Inland Waterways

About Inland Waterways Sector

Sailing into the Future: Exploring Investment Prospects in India's Inland Waterways.
Embark on a voyage of investment in India's promising inland waterways sector, where 14,500 km of navigable water bodies open doors to fuel-efficient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective transportation.
India's prowess in inland water navigation shines through 111 national waterways spanning 20,375 km across 24 States/UTs. The transformative National Waterways Act of 2016 solidified the status of existing national waterways while designating specific inland waterways as national, catalyzing growth, and regulation for shipping and navigation.
Chart a course towards investment opportunities in Inland Waterways projects in India, riding the tides of progress as the nation pioneers sustainable waterborne transport and connectivity.

Inland Waterways Snapshot

  • 136 Opportunities
  • USD 14.35 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 48 PPP
  • 22 EPC
  • 2 To Be Finalized
  • 0 Pure Private
Top performing states
Inland Waterways | Requirement

Sub-Sectors in Inland Waterways

Inland Waterways

22 Opportunities

USD 11.39 bn worth

India has about 14,500 km of navigable waterways

Top Promoters

Latest Updates
  • Opportunities in 13 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 16 states added
  • Opportunities in 3 Schemes added
  • 57 new opportunities added
  • Opportunities in 12 sectors updated
  • Opportunities in 15 states updated
  • Opportunities in 5 Schemes updated
  • 57 opportunities updated
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors updated
  • 447 new promoters added
    14 October
  • Digi Yatra policy

    The Ministry of Civil Aviation released the Digi Yatra Policy in August 2018, to deliver a seamless, paperless and hassle-free experience to all passengers across all check-points at Indian airports.

  • R2CI Policy

    To improve the railway connectivity to coal and iron mines

  • Guidelines for Implementation of Shipbuilding Financial Assistance Policy

    The Policy for grant for financial assistance to shipyards and the guidelines formulated to implement the policy shall be called "Guidelines for implementation of Shipbuilding Financial Assistance Policy".

  • Requirements for Operation of Civil Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS)

    This CAR is issued under the provisions of Rule 15A and Rule 133A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and lays down requirements for obtaining Unique Identification Number (UIN), Unmanned Aircraft Operator Permit (UAOP) and other operational requirements for civil Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS).

  • Draft National Logistics Policy

    To develop the logistics sector, establish infrastructure and create employment opportunities

  • National Waterways Act, 2016

    An Act to make provisions for existing national waterways and to provide for the declaration of certain inland waterways to be national waterways. Also the Act provides for the regulation and development of the said waterways for the purposes of shipping and navigation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

  • National Aviation Safety Plan 2018-2022

    The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) released the National Aviation Safety Plan 2018-22 in August 2018. The Plan aims to promote continuous improvement of aviation safety in the country.

  • General Purpose Wagon Investment Scheme

    In view of the long term demand from Railway Freight Users (PSUs, Industries and other stakeholder) and to achieve the desired growth in freight traffic on IR, a policy on General Purpose Wagon Investment Scheme (GPWIS) has been formulated.

  • Merchant Shipping Bill, 2016

    A Bill to consolidate and amend the law relating to merchant shipping to ensure compliance with the country's obligation under the maritime treaties and international instruments to which India is a party. Also, to ensure the efficient maintenance of Indian mercantile marine in a manner best suited to serve the country's interest.

  • Major Ports Authority Bill 2019 (draft)

    A bill to provide for the regulation, operation and planning of Major Ports in India and to vest the administration, control and management of such ports upon the Boards of Major Port Authorities and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

  • Airports Authority of India Startup Policy 2018

    To create a framework for promoting innovation implementation in airports

  • Major Ports Authority Bill, 2016

    A Bill to provide for regulation, operation and planning of major ports in India and to vest the administration, control and management of such ports to the Boards of Major Port Authorities and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

  • Private Freight Terminal Scheme

    To enable development of freight handling terminals

  • Sagarmala

    The vision of the Sagarmala Programme is to reduce logistics cost for EXIM and domestic trade with minimal infrastructure investment.

  • Participative Models Policy

    This policy aims for participative models for rail connectivity and capacity augmentation projects which is enclosed.

  • Liberalized Wagon Investment Scheme (LWIS)

    Guidelines for procurement of High Capacity and Special purpose wagons

  • Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS)

    It aims to facilitate/ stimulate regional air connectivity by making it affordable.

  • 7-phased National Highway Development Project

    To improve more than 49,260 km of arterial routes of NH network to international standards.

  • Sectoral Guidelines for Domestic/Foreign Direct Investment in Railways

    Guidelines for investing in different sub - sectors of railways

  • Policy on Regional and Remote Area Air Connectivity

    It aims to provide a minimum of air transport services to designated remote & strategic areas.

  • Bharatmala Pariyojana

    Bharatmala Pariyojana is a new umbrella program for the highways sector that focuses on optimizing efficiency of freight and passenger movement across the country by bridging critical infrastructure gaps through effective interventions like development of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder Routes, National Corridor Efficiency Improvement, Border and International connectivity roads, Coastal and Port connectivity roads and Green-field expressways.

  • R3i Policy

    To invite investments into the railway sector to increase transport capacity

  • National Policy on Civil Aviation 2016

    It aims to provide an eco-system for the harmonised growth of various aviation sub sectors.

  • Monetization of Operational National Highways

    National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is monetizing public funded National Highway (NH) projects which are operational and are generating toll revenues for at least two years after the Commercial Operations Date (COD) through the Toll Operate Transfer (TOT) Model.