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Invest in Oil & Gas

About Oil & Gas Sector

Fueling Progress: Exploring Investment in India's Dynamic Oil & Gas Domain.
Embark on an investment odyssey within India's dynamic Oil & Gas sector, a realm influencing economic tapestries and propelling growth.
Ranked as Asia's second-largest refiner, India's oil and gas sector wields substantial influence across key economic corridors. A twofold surge in projected oil demand resonates with the nation's ambitions, with refining capacity poised to scale to 439 MT, a remarkable 75% increment. The nation boasts an intricate network, comprising a 22,306 km natural gas pipeline and an 8,228 km petroleum pipeline.
Pioneering progress, four Petroleum, Chemicals, and Petrochemicals Investment Regions have blossomed across India. In tandem with growth, the Government champions initiatives such as the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme, advancing the integration of ethanol into petrol to bolster sustainability. Investment opportunities in Oil & Gas projects in India beckon, where potential intertwines with progress to power the nation's journey forward.

Oil & Gas Snapshot

  • 290 Opportunities
  • USD 102.07 bn Worth

Mode of Implementation

  • 252 EPC
  • 10 Pure Private
  • 1 To Be Finalized
  • 1 PPP
Top performing states
Oil & Gas | Requirement

Sub-Sectors in Oil & Gas

Bulk Material Transportation Pipelines

131 Opportunities

USD 33.12 bn worth

The government envisages a National Gas Grid, providing industrial access pan-India


84 Opportunities

USD 42.68 bn worth

India is the second largest contributor to Asia's crude oil refining capacity

Exploration & Production

75 Opportunities

USD 26.26 bn worth

Plethora of Investment opportunities available in Oil and Gas production.

Top Promoters

Latest Updates
  • Opportunities in 13 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 16 states added
  • Opportunities in 3 Schemes added
  • 57 new opportunities added
  • Opportunities in 12 sectors updated
  • Opportunities in 15 states updated
  • Opportunities in 5 Schemes updated
  • 57 opportunities updated
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors added
  • Opportunities in 34 sectors updated
  • 447 new promoters added
    14 October
  • Open Acreage Licensing Policy(OALP): Modalities for operationalization Hydrocarbon Exploration & Licensing Policy(HELP)

    Open Acreage Licensing Policy(OALP): Modalities for operationalization Hydrocarbon Exploration & Licensing Policy(HELP)

  • Policy Framework for Exploration and Exploitation of Unconventional Hydrocarbons

    Policy framework for exploration and exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbons under existing production sharing contracts (PSCs), Coal Bed Methane (CBM) contracts and Nomination Fields.

  • Policy Framework to Promote and Incentivize Enhanced Recovery Methods for Oil and Gas

    To provide fiscal incentives to adopt Enhanced Recovery (ER), Improved Recovery (IR) and Unconventional Hydrocarbon (UH) production methods.

  • Policy Reforms in Exploration of Oil and Gas

    To increase exploration activities, attract domestic and foreign investment in unexplored/unallocated areas of sedimentary basins, and enhance domestic production of oil and gas from existing fields and promote ease of doing business by streamlining and expediting the approval processes.

  • Hydrocarbon Exploration & Licensing Policy (HELP)

    This policy allows an open acreage licensing, full freedom for marketing and pricing, single license for conventional and un-conventional hydrocarbons, equal weight-age of work programme and fiscal share and low royalty for offshore fields, among others.

  • Discovered Small Fields Policy

    The policy offers improved fiscal terms such as no oil cess applicable on crude oil production, moderate royalty rates same as in NELP regime, no upfront signature bonus, pricing and marketing freedom for oil and gas and no carried interest by NOCs.

  • New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP)

    The main objective of the policy is to attract significant risk capital from Indian and foreign companies, state of part technologies, new geological concepts and best management practices to explore oil and gas resources in the country to meet rising demands for oil and gas.

  • Coalbed Methane (CBM) policy

    This policy specifies the modality for taking up commercial development of CBM, modality for identification and allotment of blocks, fiscal provisions/incentives and in a subsequent MOU entered between MOC & MOPNG specifies that right of 9 exploitation of Coal Mine Methane (CMM) from coal mining areas will be with coal mine operator.